We are thrilled that you want to learn more about doing business with ARAND Video Services.
Below you will find useful tips and information regarding:
All here to enhance your slideshow project experience.
Helpful Tips Just For You
Here at ARAND Video we not only provide a great product with superior service, but we are also a resource for creative ideas for your next DVD project.
So if you are looking for creative project ideas for an upcoming event, want to learn more about taking great photos or want some tips on preparing to take your own wedding photos see the desired links below.

1. Photos - What to send & how to prepare your photos
If the project covers a long time span of different stages in some one's life or you want to note key moments, choose a mix of close ups and group photo shots showing time frames you want to capture. For Anniversaries, use pictures of the couple’s life together, include pictures of their dating, wedding, vacations, children and grandchildren.
Try to avoid photos which are small (wallet or 3x5) or that are out of focus. Choose horizontal (landscape) shots rather than vertical (portrait) shots. Horizontal shots fill the screen better and look wonderful on TV screens. Vertical shots, however, will appear on the screen with large black borders around the picture. Too many vertical shots won't be pleasing to the eye.
We recommend you use post-it notes and number them to indicate your slide show preference. Once this is done, place all pictures in numerical order; put a clear piece of paper on top and back of the pictures. Binder clips everything together so your pictures and post-it notes do not get rearranged. Do not write numbers directly on the back of the picture.
Organizing your pictures in this fashion helps us prepare your storyboard in a systematic manner, keeps down production delays, as well as charging additional re-arranging fees for post production changes.
ARAND Video Services will not be held liable for undesirable results due to your incorrect sorting or unsorted pictures. Photos which have copyrights are not permissible in slide shows unless prior authorization from copyright owner is provided.

2. Packaging & Shipping - Tips on shipping items to us
If you are sending ARAND Video any documents such as photos, CD's, USB thumb/flash drives or other materials to be used in your project please take note of the following key packaging & shipping tips:
Photos - To prevent any bending during shipment, it is best to ship your photos in a box with cushion material. We will scan your photos in the order you send them to us unless otherwise arranged. It is important to place a sticky note with the order number on each picture and then bind the pictures together with a rubber band. Then to protect them from moisture place them into a plastic bag before being placed in your shipping box.
CD/DVD or USB thumb/flash drives - Place your CD or DVD in a jewel case, if sending a USB thumb/flash drive please place it in a separate envelope and then a plastic bag to protect from moisture. We recommend you send them in a sturdy cardboard box with cushioning material.
Shipping - We recommend that you ship your materials with a courier service that provides you with delivery confirmation and/or a tracking number. We also recommend FedEx or UPS for this service. Please include your return address on all of your packaging. If you need more information or have questions just let us know.

3. Song Favorites & how to choose music for your slideshow
Favorite Song: Everybody has a favorite song! Especially children, they normally have favorite songs they sing in school or from programs they watch on TV. Try working these favorite songs into their birthday party slide shows. This would be a wonderful surprise to them as they watch the video so they can sing along with the slide show.Below are some more tips on finding out a person's favorite song:
Music Genre: How do I choose? If it is for a couple, check with their family members to see if they can help identify the type of music the wife and husband like both may have a different taste in music (jazz, pop, classical, gospel). Also if your subject has an iPod see what song they play over and over again. If they have iTunes check there playlist.

4. Scanning Top Scanning Tips
1. Do your research and get a quality, flat bed photo scanner to do the job right. Canon and HP both make high quality scanners that are decently priced. This article also has a great break-down of different scanners and a look into which one is right for you.
2. Remove any dust from your photos and make sure your scanner’s flat bed is free of dust and debris.
3. Make sure your scanner’s settings are correct for your needs. Some scanners have settings to scan documents that are far different than when you want to scan a photo. Make sure your settings are all in-line before you scan.
4. Scanner resolution is measured in dots per inch (dpi). More dots translate into a sharper image. Scan at 300dpi for the best quality and maximum flexibility.
5. Your scanner’s software may have some built-in photo editing and adjustment tools, which is great. Try experimenting with sharpness, brightness and other options to get the best looking digital image possible.
6. Name your photos with meaning if you can, this will help you when you’re organizing for your slideshow. If it’s a family history slideshow you’re creating, name the photos something like Barns_Family_1952.jpg.
7. Develop a system to keep the ball rolling. If it takes 5 steps to scan a photo, make sure you are completing them in ordereach time. Your workflow will go much faster and the task will be over before you know it.